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We're Back!

After celebrating Sukkot for almost two weeks now, it’s great to be back in classes at Midreshet Moriah. Over Chol hamo’ed Shana bet was invited to Rav Lerner’s Sukkah and we heard a Dvar Torah from Rav Wenglin. Rav Lerner then met some of the girls in Mea She’arim where we went to many different Simchas Beis Shoevas.    

On Sunday, friends, alumnae and current students came together here at Midreshet Moriah for a special Hoshana Rabbah event. Vicky Berglas opened the morning and expressed gratitude to all those who contributed to the renovations of the building. Rav Eitan Mayer gave a shiur on how to bring the inspiration of the Yamim Nora’im into our lives and afterwards refreshments were served in our Sukkah. Rav Berglas ended the morning with short dvar Torah. Everyone who came had a wonderful time.

On Wednesday morning, our first day back, we were all treated to a special breakfast as a welcome back from yuntif as an exciting way to begin the rest of our year! 

Leora Weiss, Shana bet


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